Common Correa (red)

Scientific Name Correa reflexa var. reflexa (Heathland Form: red) Size and form Attractive small shrub 1-2m high and 1-2m wide. Flowers, leaves and fruit The 4-petalled, tubular, crimson flowers with green-yellow tips are nectar producing. Leaves are narrowly ovate-shaped, with a slightly rough texture and lightly toothed margins. Leaves are discolourous; the upper surface is dark green and the lower …

Sweet Wattle

Scientific Name Acacia suaveolens Size and form An attractive, open, sparsely branched shrub 1-3m high and 2-5m wide. Flowers, leaves and fruit Scented, globular cream-coloured flower inflorescences occur from April to October. Fruit is a pale blue, flat and waxy pod. Foliage is stiff, linear, blue-green phyllode, with a pointed or hooked tip. Branchlets are flat. Growing conditions Suitable for …

Smooth Parrot-pea

Scientific Name Dillwynia glaberrima Size and form A spreading and open shrub 50cm-2m high and 1-2m wide. Flowers, leaves and fruit The bright yellow pea flowers with red shades in the middle occur on long stalks in terminal clusters from August to December. Fruit is a small, ovoid pod with two seeds. The small, slightly crowded, linear terete leaves have …

Showy Bossiaea

Scientific Name Bossiaea cinerea Size and form An attractive, dense and spreading shrub 1-2m high and 1-2m wide. Flowers, leaves and fruit Masses of red-orange-yellow pea flowers occur along the stems on a fine stalk from August to November. Fruit is a short pod. The foliage is ovate and triangular in shape with a dark green upper surface and a …

Marsh Saltbush

Scientific Name Atriplex paludosa subsp. paludosa Size and form A scrambling shrub 1-1.5m high and 1-2 m wide. Flowers, leaves and fruit Plants are dioecious; male and female flowers are born on separate plants. Flowers are in an inflorescence. The female flowers are creamy-green and can occur most of the year. Foliage is narrow and elliptic with a green smooth …

Seaberry Saltbush

Scientific Name Rhagodia candolleana subsp. candolleana Size and form Dense, scrambling shrub 2-4m high and 2-2.5m wide. Flowers, leaves and fruit Small white flowers forming an inflorescence occur from September to December. The plant produces many red, flat and edible berry fruits. Leaves are fleshy, shiny, dark green and often broader at the base. Growing conditions Can grow in a …

Coast Pomaderris

Scientific Name Pomaderris paniculosa subsp. paralia Size and form An attractive, soft, rusty-tinged shrub 1-2m high and 1-2m wide. Flowers, leaves and fruit The terminal inflorescence of small green-cream flowers is covered with rusty or grey hairs. Flowers occur from October to November. Leaves are ovate and discolourous. The upper surface is smooth and dark green. The lower surface is …

Twiggy Daisy-bush

Scientific Name Olearia ramulosa var. ramulosa Size and form A medium, variable shrub 50cm-2m high and 1-1.5m wide. Flowers, leaves and fruit Attractive, white flower inflorescence occurs in masses from September to May. Narrow leaves have cottony hairs on the underside. Growing conditions Prefers well-drained soils in a semi-shade position. Suitable to plant as an understorey to trees.

Sticky Daisy-bush

Scientific Name Olearia glutinosa Size and form An attractive, rounded, sticky shrub 2m high and 2m wide. Flowers, leaves and fruit Flowers are a white and pale pink daisy inflorescence in terminal clusters from December to February. Foliage is linear, sticky and crowded. Growing conditions Suitable for coastal dunes on sandstone or limestone. Prefers well-drained soils and full sun or …

Coast Daisy-bush

Scientific Name Olearia axillaris Size and form A dense shrub that is 1-2m high and 1-2m wide and has grey foliage. Flowers, leaves and fruit The small, yellow flower inflorescence occurs in axils from December to May. The crowded, linear leaves are discolourous; dark green-grey above and white and hairy below. Growing conditions Grows along coastal dunes and cliffs. Suitable …