Bellarine Catchment Network
The Swan Bay Environment Association is actively involved in the Bellarine Catchment Network. This unique network of volunteer groups and agencies aims to protect Swan Bay through community education and facilitation of on-ground works on private and public land within the Swan Bay catchment.
Borough of Queenscliffe
Our local council has provided funding and support for a number of our projects, including the regular purchase of nursery plants for restoration and revegetation projects. It also undertakes general maintenance work at the nursery and uses it for storage of plants for its revegetation projects.
Local community groups
A number of local community groups are active on environmental issues in the region, including:
Bellarine Landcare Group www.bellarinelandcare.org.au
Friends of Buckley Park: info@bcn.org.au
Friends of Edwards Point Reserve www.facebook.com/friendsofedwardspointwildlifereserve/
Friends of Mud Islands: https://www.facebook.com/The-Friends-of-Mud-Islands-404132149636319/
Friends of the Point Lonsdale Lighthouse and Queenscliff Headland Reserves: www.lonsdalelighthousereserve.org
Geelong Environment Council: www.geelongenvironment.org.au
Geelong Field Naturalists Club: www.gfnc.org.au
Point Lonsdale Civic Association: www.plca.org.au
Queenscliffe Climate Action: www.queenscliffeclimateaction.org
Queenscliff Community Association
Queenscliff Environment Forum