These Swan Bay references are available for reading by members at the Queenscliffe Indigenous Nursery.
Bellarine Peninsula
Bellarine Catchment Network 2009), Action Plan 2009–2014, Bellarine Catchment Network, Queenscliff, 59p. (maps, colour photos).
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources 1993, Regional Landcare Plan Port Phillip Westernport Region, prepared in consultation with the Landcare Regional Reference Group, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Melbourne, 41p.
Land Conservation Council Victorian 1985, Report on the Melbourne Area, District 1 Review, Land Conservation Council, Melbourne, 240p.
Wright G 1973, The Bellarine Peninsula: An environmental study, Geelong Regional Planning Authority, Geelong, 68p.
Flora and Fauna
Barter M, Campbell J and Lane B 1988, Swan Bay: Conservation of birds, Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union, Moonee Ponds, 26p. (2 copies).
Bulthuis D 1982, Studies on the seagrass, Heterozostera tasmanica, in Western Port and Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. (Westernport Regional environmental study guidelines for water quality control: Final Report for Task R804; Land use and erosion control guidelines for the Western Port catchment: Final Report for Task R806). Marine Science Laboratories, Queenscliff, 186p.
Cameron M nd, Birds of Swan Bay and Queenscliff, Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences, Marine Studies Centre, Queenscliff, 4p.
Geelong Field Naturalist Club c1992, A Geelong nature guide, Geelong Field Naturalist Club, Geelong, A3 folded into 3 (text by Trevor Pescott).
Gould League of Victoria 1983, Coastal wildlife, Gould League of Victoria, Prahran, 57p.
Hamdorf I and Kirkman H 1995, Status of Australian seagrass: Issues paper, Fisheries Pollution and Marine Environment Committee, Canberra, 32p.
Indigenous plants of the Geelong Region, Regional map, zones 3, 4, 19. (1999), 4 sheets.
Jessop R, Wilson B and Lindros J 1988, Flora and fauna database, prepared for the Geelong Region of Conservation, Forests and Lands by Geelong Environment Council, Geelong, 345p.
Kerr E 1982, ‘The Distribution of seagrasses in Swan Bay’, Geelong Naturalist 19 (3), 59–73.
Lane B, Schulz M and Wood K 1984, Birds of Port Phillip Bay, Coastal Unit Technical Report No. 1, Ministry for Planning and Environment, Melbourne, 159p. (includes 17 maps).
Phillips K 2005, ‘Saltmarshes: important, undervalued, threatened’, Trust for Nature Conservation Bulletin, No.31, July. p.8–11.
Smith T 2007, Environmental weeds of the Borough of Queenscliffe, Borough of Queenscliffe, Queenscliff, 39p.
Trengove M 1992, The vegetation and management of the coastal remnants of the Borough of Queenscliffe on the Bellarine Peninsula, Victoria. A report to the Borough of Queenscliffe, Mark Trengove, Geelong West. 62p.
Van Den Borre A and Laidlaw Scott 1990, Seeding and productivity of saltmarsh food species utilised by the orange bellied parrot (Neophema chrysogaster), 12p. Source unknown (photocopy).
Walker L 1990, Vegetation survey of Swan Bay draft, Department of Conservation and Environment, 81p. (+28p. of Appendices) (stapled photocopy).
Fish and fisheries
Australian Conservation Foundation 1993, Some aspects of the mariculture industry in Australia, Australian Conservation Foundation, Melbourne, 21p.
Davis, P 1996, Investigation into the farming of Pacific Oysters in Victorian coastal waters, Department of Natural Resources, Melbourne.
Folke C and Kautsky N 1989, ‘The role of ecosystems for a sustainable development of aquaculture’, Ambio 18 (4) 234–243.
Jenkins G and May H 1994b, ‘Variation in settlement and larval duration of King George Whiting, Sillaginodes punctata (Sillaginidae), in Swan Bay, Victoria, Australia’, Bulletin of Marine Science 54 (1), 281-296.
Jessop R 1984, ‘Fish of Swan Bay’, Geelong Naturalist 20 (4), 95–97.
Jessop R, Wilson B and Lindros J 1988, ‘Fishes of the Bellarine Peninsula (freshwater, estuarine and marine)’, Tables 3.13 and 3.14 in Jessop R, Wilson B and Lindros J 1988, Flora and fauna database, prepared for the Geelong Region of Conservation, Forests and Lands by Geelong Environment Council, Geelong, 345p. (photocopy of pp. 84–87).
Malcolm S 1991, Aquaculture: Draft, Victorian National Parks Association, Melbourne, 26p.
Pike H c1994, Bay-fix: Commercial fishing – North eastern Port Phillip Bay. Policy discussion draft, Assignment for Bachelor of Social Science Environment Policy, 11p.
Rothlisberg P, Gillespie J and Barlow C c1993, Aquaculture and its potential environmental impacts in Australia, 6p.
Shaw M and Jenkins G 1992, ‘Spatial variation in feeding, prey distribution and food limitation of juvenile flounder Rhombosolea tapirina Günther’, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology 165, 1–21.
Victorian Fisheries 1996, Port Phillip Bay: Fisheries management plan. Background paper, Victorian Fisheries, East Melbourne 122p.
Victorian Fisheries Notes 1991-, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Fisheries Branch, East Melbourne, Aquaculture #2: Fish farming information; Abalone culture; Flat oysters; Nutrients and eutrophication; Scallop fishery.
Geology and hydrology
Fabris G 2001, Baseline assessment of sediment quality in Southern Swan Bay, Internal Report No.24, Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute, Queenscliff (bound with Fabris G et al 2001), 39p.
Fabris G et al 2001a, Baseline assessment of groundwater and seawater quality at the MAFRI relocation site, Internal Report No.25, Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute, Queenscliff, 37p.
Fabris G et al 2001b, Baseline monitoring at the proposed MAFRI ‘Narrows’ site, Internal Report No.47, Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute, Queenscliff, 23p.
Fabris G et al 2001c, Monitoring contaminants in groundwater before, during and after a compaction trial at the Mafri relocation site. (DRAFT), Internal Report No.31, Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute, Queenscliff, 6p.
Gill E 1948, ‘Geology of the Point Lonsdale-Queenscliff Area, Victoria’, Victorian Naturalist 65, 38–46.
Nuttall P, Richardson B and Condina P 1988, ‘Effects of saline flushing to a polluted estuary to enhance water quality standards’, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Quality and Management for Recreation and Tourism, Brisbane, July 10–15, 10p.
Orange-bellied Parrot
Anderson C, Dedman V and Doughty C 1980, ‘The Orange-bellied parrot: species endangered by improperly assessed development’, Victorian Naturalist 97, Nov-Dec 1980, 235–247.
Brown P 1986, ‘Rare and endangered (orange-bellied parrot)’, Australian Natural History 21 (11), Summer 1985–86, 481.
Brown P and Wilson R 1984, Orange-bellied parrot recovery plan, Tasmanian National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hobart, 27p.
Brown P, Wilson R, Loyn R, Murray N and Lane B 1985, The orange-bellied parrot: An RAOU conservation statement, RAOU Report No. 14, RAOU, Melbourne, 12p.
Dedman, V 1979, ‘Orange-bellied parrot survey at Swan Island’, Geelong Naturalist 16, May, 2–-6.
International Council for Bird Preservation nd, Orange-bellied parakeet. An entry from Endangered birds of the world: the ICBP bird red data book (1p photocopy of entry for orange bellied parrot).
‘Deny King's domain gets a lift’, Australian Geographic 37 Jan-Mar 122.
Jarman H 1965, ‘The orange-breasted parrot’, Australian Bird Watcher 2 (6), 155-167.
Jessop A and Reid T 1986, Winter surveys of the orange- bellied parrot Neophema chrysogaster in Victoria, 1984 and 1985, RAOU Report No. 19, Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union, Moonee Ponds, 50p.
Lane B, Schulz M and Wood K 1984a, Birds of Port Phillip Bay, Coastal Unit Technical Report No. 1, Ministry for Planning and Environment, Melbourne, 159p., 17 maps.
South Australian Department of Environment and Planning nd, The orange-bellied parrot, South Australian Department of Environment and Planning, Adelaide, 4p colour brochure.
Starks J 1988, Orange-bellied parrot Neophema chrysogaster winter surveys in Southern Australia in 1986 and 1987, RAOU Report No. 36, Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union, Moonee Ponds, 26p.
Starks J 1992, Winter surveys of the orange-bellied parrot Neophema chrysogaster in Southeastern Australia in 1988 and 1989, RAOU Report No.87, Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union, Moonee Ponds, 27p.
Starks J 1993, Winter surveys of the orange-bellied parrot Neophema chrysogaster in South-Eastern Australia in 1990 and 1991, RAOU Report No.88, Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union, Moonee Ponds, 30p.
Watts D 1987, ‘Rare bird’, Geo 9 (3), 36–45.
Yugovic J 1984, ‘The grey glasswort (Halosarcia halocnemoides) in coastal Victoria and implications for the Orange-bellied Parrot’, Victorian Naturalist 101 (6), 234–239.
Queenscliff Harbour
Ball D and O’Callaghan P 1997, Queenscliff Harbour environmental values study: A report for Parks Victoria, Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute, Queenscliff, 70p (with 10 accompanying maps).
Cox R and Bettington S 1993, Model study Queenscliff ferry terminal, Australian Water and Coastal Studies, 47p.
Department of Planning and Housing 1991, Queenscliff boating facilities study: Assessment and Panel Report, Department of Planning and Housing, Melbourne, 90p.
Geelong Regional Commission 1990, Queenscliff boating and related tourist facilities study: Environmental effects statement, summary brochure, Geelong Regional Commission, Geelong, 4p.
Parks Victoria 1997, Queenscliff Harbour environmental values assessment: Consultant brief, Parks Victoria, Queenscliff, 9p.
Parks Victoria 1997, Queenscliff Harbour extension hydraulic feasibility study: Consultant brief, Parks Victoria, Queenscliff, 8p.
Parks Victoria 1997, Queenscliff boating facilities and activities study: Final report, Sinclair Knight Merz, Armadale, 58p (with 4 appendices).
Parks Victoria c1998, Queenscliff Harbour hydraulic feasibility study: Draft, Vantree Pty Ltd, Melbourne, 12p.
Parrot Natural History Network nd, A report to the residents of Queenscliff on proposed alterations to the planning scheme and EES regarding marina development affecting Swan Bay, Parrot Natural History Network, Carlton, 13p.
Port Authorities of Melbourne, Geelong and Portland 1990, Review of public berthing and mooring fees for small pleasure craft and fishing vessels: Discussion paper, Victoria’s Ports, Melbourne, Geelong, Portland, Melbourne, 10p.
Port Authorities of Melbourne, Geelong and Portland 1991, Review of public berthing and mooring fees for small pleasure craft and fishing vessels: draft options and recommendations paper, Report 93/21, Victoria's Ports, Melbourne, Geelong, Portland, Melbourne, 46p.
Port of Melbourne Coastal Investigation Unit 1993, Strategy for disposal of dredge spoil at Queenscliff (Preliminary report), Port of Melbourne Authority, Port Melbourne, 16p.
Queenscliff Harbour Forum 2000, Have your say: Survey and results of Concept Plans A and B, 7p. (photocopy).
Swan Bay’s parks, reserves and management
Allen T 1996, Comments concerning the Harold Holt and Port Phillip Heads Marine Park proposals proposed by the LCC, 14p. photocopy.
Australian Nature Conservation Agency 1993 ‘Swan Bay Marine Reserve’ in Australian Nature Conservation Agency 1993, Directory of important wetlands in Australia, Australian Nature Conservation Agency, Canberra, pp. 18–19, 25–27.
Brent K 1996, ‘A park for Port Phillip: Protection beyond the shore’, Park Watch 184 March, 4-7.
CSIRO 1996, Port Phillip Bay environmental study: Final report, CSIRO, Dickson, 239p (in boxed set with ‘The Findings 1992–1996’).
Combined Submission of 11 Queenscliff organisations 1995, Harold Holt Marine Park: A combined submission to the Land Conservation Council Marine and Coastal Investigation, 15p.
Davey A 1974, Swan Bay, Victoria, coastal management problems, Port Phillip Authority, Melbourne, 43p.
Department of Conservation and Environment 1991, Swan Bay Marine and Wildlife Reserves proposed management plan, Department of Conservation and Environment, Fisheries Division and National Parks and Public Lands Division, Geelong, 142p.
Department of Conservation and Environment 1992, An assessment of Victoria's wetlands, Melbourne, 65p.
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources 1996, Partners in caring for Swan Bay and its catchment, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Coast Action Co-ordinator, Geelong, A4 brochure folded into 3.
Department of Conservation, Forest and Lands 1989, Draft Swan Bay management plan, Conservation, Forests and Lands, Geelong, 87p.
Department of Conservation, Forests and Land 1989, Edwards Point State Faunal Reserve, Department of Conservation, Forests and Land, Geelong 2p leaflet.
Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands 1989, The Harold Holt Marine Reserves, Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands, Melbourne, 2p.
Environment Conservation Council 1999, Marine, coastal and estuarine investigation: Draft report for public comment, Environment Conservation Council, Melbourne, 140p and map.
Environment Conservation Council 2000, Marine, coastal and estuarine investigation: Final report, Environment Conservation Council, Melbourne, 154p (7 appendices and map).
Fisheries and Wildlife Division, The Harold Holt Marine Reserves, Victoria, Fisheries and Wildlife Division, Ministry for Conservation, East Melbourne, 6p colour brochure.
Government of Victoria 1979 Victoria, ‘Fisheries Act 1968: Harold Holt Marine Reserves’, Government Gazette no. 11, 7 Feb 1979), Government Printer, Melbourne, 3p.
Land Conservation Council 1996, Marine and coastal special investigation: Draft final recommendations, Land Conservation Council, Melbourne, 146p.
Longmore S and O’Callaghan Patrick 1997, Swan Bay catchment awareness project: Schools education kit, Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute, Education and Training Division, Queenscliff.
Longmore Sue 1995, The Swan Bay environmental trail, Queenscliff Primary School, Queenscliff, 6p.
Marine Discovery Centre 1998, Investigating an Ecosystem: Swan Bay mudflats, Student field and laboratory manual, Marine Discovery Centre, Queenscliff, 12p.
Marine Discovery Centre 1998, Investigating an ecosystem: Swan Bay mudflats teachers guide, Marine Discovery Centre, Queenscliff, 16p.
Marine Education Society of Australasia 1993, Caring for our coasts, Conference papers from the 7th National Conference Monday 27th September to Friday 1st October 1993, at the Southport School, Gold Coast, Queensland, 253p.
Marine Reserves Committee c1974, Proposal to establish a marine reserve at the southern end of Port Phillip Bay, Ministry for Conservation, Melbourne, 4p.
Melbourne State College 1982, Swan Bay: An interim report (1981-1982), Melbourne State College, Environmental Science C, Melbourne, 321p.
Mosley J 1989, The conservation of the Lower Bluff, Swan Bay area, St. Leonards, Bellarine Peninsula (Draft), Peak Environmental Enterprises, Kensington, 14p.
Nine Queenscliff clubs and associations 1996, The Harold Holt Marine Park: A community proposal, 5p.
Nuttall and Associates 1987, Lower Bluff: Preliminary environment report, Nuttall and Associates, Pakenham, 33p.
O'Callaghan P 1991, Use of a geographic information system to aid vegetation management in the Swan Bay catchment. A project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Diploma in Natural Resources at the University of New England, University of New England, Armidale, 101p.
O'Callaghan Patrick 1993, ‘The past and future of Swan Bay: telling the story with a Geographic Information System, Trees and Natural Resources 35 (3) Sept., 25-27.
Parks Victoria 2002, Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park: The jewel of the bay, Parks Victoria, Queenscliff, 4p A4 brochure, 2 copies.
Parks Victoria 2006, Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park management plan, Parks Victoria, Melbourne, 70p.
Port Phillip Bay Marine Park Working Group 1996, A marine park for Southern Port Phillip Bay, Queenscliff, 4 p.
Port Phillip Bay Marine Park Working Group nd, A marine protected area for Southern Port Phillip Bay, Queenscliff, 4p.
Port Phillip Heads Marine Protected Area Working Group 1996, Submission to the Land Conservation Council’s Marine and Coastal Special Investigation: Draft final recommendations, Queenscliff, 10p.
Rodrigue M 1994, Swan Bay catchment issues, Marine Discovery Centre, Queenscliff, 7p.
Swan Bay Environment Association 1993, Swan Bay, Swan Bay Environment Association, Queenscliff, A5 folded brochure.
Swan Bay Environment Association 1996, Swan Bay: A unique ecosystem, Swan Bay Environment Association, Queenscliff, A4 black on yellow brochure folded into 3 (membership brochure), Updated version (2000) on grey paper.
Swan Bay Environment Association 2007, Swan Bay: a unique ecosystem, Swan Bay Environment Association, Queenscliff, A4 brochure folded into 3.
Swan Bay Environment Association and Swan Bay Integrated Catchment Management Committee 1998, Did you know?, 1p information sheet.
Swan Bay Green Corps 1998, The Saltmarsh: Your land, your backyard, Swan Bay Green Corps, Queenscliff, 4p brochure.
Swan Bay Integrated Catchment Management Committee 1998, Swan Bay Integrated Catchment Management Project, Swan Bay Integrated Catchment Management Committee, Queenscliff, A4 brochure folded into 3.
Swan Bay Integrated Catchment Management Committee 2000, Swan Bay: Share the care, Swan Bay Integrated Catchment Management Committee, Queenscliff, A5 colour brochure folded into 4.
Swan Bay Integrated Catchment Management Committee 2007, Annual report, 2007, Swan Bay Integrated Catchment Management Committee, Queenscliff, 31p.
Swan Bay Integrated Catchment Management Committee nd, Swan Bay Integrated Catchment Management Project: Organisation profile and project summary, 3 pages typewritten notes.
Trengove M 1999, Edward’s Point Fauna Reserve: Vegetation management guidelines, Mark Trengove, Geelong, 116p.
Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences 1995, Swan Bay Catchment Awareness Project, Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences Education Division, Queenscliff, 4p.