The Queenscliffe Indigenous Nursery has a range of tall and small trees, shrubs, wildflowers, climbers and ground covers, as well as specialist plants for local saltmarsh and sand dune environments. The nursery can supply plants for home gardens and larger plant orders for local farms, businesses, landscapers and revegetation companies.
Before you buy
Have a look at the list of Indigenous plants currently available from the Queenscliffe Indigenous Nursery and browse the photos of our plants in the Gallery of Nursery Plants
The Gallery of Nursery Plants contains photos of each plant that we grow in the nursery during the year. For many of them, there are photos of the plant in the wild and information about its size, form, flowers, fruits and leaves, and the growing conditions that it prefers. Please note that some of the gallery plants might not always be available from the nursery.
Ordering your plants
Call Sarah Roberts, our Nursery Manager, on 0401 281 448 and order your plants over the phone.
Send Sarah Roberts, our Nursery Manager, an email with the plants and numbers that you wish to order. Her email is queenscliffeindigenousnursery@yahoo.com
Visit the nursery at 79 Nelson Road, Queenscliff. It is open every Wednesday from 9.00am until 12noon, and on the third Sunday of each month from 10.00am-12noon.
You can complete our Indigenous Plants Order Form.
Order formPaying for your plants
All tube stock is $3.00 each. Payment can be made by cash, card or via invoice. Please note that we do not deliver plants.
You can find the Queenscliffe Indigenous Nursery at 79 Nelson Road Queenscliff.