You can order plants from our Queenscliffe Indigenous Nursery by typing the common name of each plant species you wish to order in the fields below. For example, you might order:
Moonah 2
Silver Banksia 4
Running Postman 3
I would like to order the following plants from the Queenscliffe Indigenous Nursery
Once we have received your order form, our Nursery Manager will contact you to discuss the order, the availability of the plants and the arrangements for pick-up. Please note that we do not deliver plants.
Each tubed plant is priced at $3.00. Payment can only be made in cash or by eftpos when you pick up your plants at the Queenscliffe Indigenous Nursery at 79 Nelson Road, Queenscliff. For large orders, we can issue you with an invoice.
For more information about the ordering of indigenous plants, you can contact our nursery manager, Sarah Roberts, by calling 0401281448 or emailing queenscliffeindigenousnursery@yahoo.com